SOL Day 1:Camping

Today my mom told me that I’m going camping in August. It will be my 5-6 time going camping.
I like going camping because it gets me distracted from school and home. I also like going camping because when I’m at school or at home I like speaking and acting descent I’m not saying I don’t act descent when I’m camping but when your camping it’s like another part of you I call it my “Nature Side”.
It’s like I’m a complete different person when I go camping. That’s what I like about camping it changes how I act in a good way.
I love the fresh air when I go camping it’s the smell of dirt and water together, it smells fresh and the wet grass the sunny sky but it’s not hot, it all mixes together and creates this awesome environment.
Anyway I really look forward to going camping in august and get back to my Nature Side.